Join our social community
Mastra sports team welcomes children, young people and adults to a social sports offer. We offer you a varied range of activities with special attention on football, handball, gymnastics and volleyball. For adults, we have football A-teams and handball women's teams, in addition to training offers in football mix, futsal, floorball and badminton.
About us :
Mastra I.L. is a sports team that embraces the whole of Rennesøy, Mosterøy, Fjøløy, Sokn, Bru, Vestre Åmøy, Austre Åmøy, Klosterøy and Brimse. Our main goal is that through sports activity to promote unity and well-being across the islands in Rennesøy municipality.
Active and social sport club.
To achieve this goal, Mastra I.L. focuses on grassroots sports.
Through sports and social activity, we work to preserve and improve the quality of life and living conditions for the members and the members local environment. The sports club has more than 700 members, and high sporting activity.
Become a member now !
Join to acquire Skills & Knowledge in an active environment!
Click here to Become a member:
Mastra IL offers training in different sports such as : football, handball, gymnastics, volleyball, floorball, badminton and futsal.
Can`t find the right group or you are not sure which team you want to join ? Contact us at and we will help you choose.
The prices for all sports in 2022 are as follows:
Membership fee 300Kr
All members including Support / Passive / Active
Tillitsvalgte 50 kr
Alle tillitsvalgte i klubben
Activity fee: football, handball and gymnastics.
4-6 years old : 300 kr
7-12 years old: 900 kr
13-19 years old: 1300 kr
20 years old +: 1700 kr
Other sports
Volleyball: 600 kr
Futsal: 300 kr
Innebandy: 300 kr
Badminton: 300 kr
Fotball: 300 kr (ikke kampberettiget M50/damelag 2021):
Family discount max NOK 3,500 in activity fee + any licenses for special associations
Maximum amount per family in the same household (children and young people up to the age of 19 can be a member under family membership)
Membership fee and activity fee :
- Includes operating expenses and organization of the sports team
- Covers the organization of training offers for the departments / groups
- Covers necessary equipment for training
- Covers coaching courses and refereeing courses
- Includes insurance up to 13/16 years (handball / football)
- Provides voting rights for everyone over 15 years
- Gir anledning til å delta på kurs via idrettslaget
- Includes a discount agreement with Sport1 Randaberg
Only players who have paid year's contingent and activity fee can play matches.
All children who are 12 years or younger have automatic insurance through NIF.
In football those who are over 12 years old are covered by team insurance.
In handball everyone must trigger the license when they turn 13 and in turn you must pay insurance when you start competing.
In football, only the basic insurance applies and the member can buy a better personal insurance through NFF and NHF.
- For more information on football see HER.
- For more information on handball see HER.
- For more information on Gymnastics see HER.
RaftKlinikken has been approved as a treatment center for sports !
Information about payment and activity fees at the start of the season
For those who participate in football, this means that you will be invoiced for the activity fee after the annual meeting when the activity fee has been determined.
For those who participate in handball, this means that the activity fee will be invoiced in September.
For those who participate in Gymnastics , the activity fee will be invoiced in September.
Other Sports :
For other sports, the training fee will be invoiced after the annual meeting.
Utmelding skal skje skriftlig til

Hos Sky Fitness
299 kr pr mnd, fri innmelding og oppbevaringsskap
Åpent 24 timer i døgnet, aldersgrense over 16 år
Kontakt Sky Fitness for rabattkode

Hos Flugger
- 20% på hyllepris på alle varer
- Klubben får 5% i klubbstøtte for beløp som det blir handlet for

Hos Raft-klinikken
- Undersøkelse/ behandling fysioterapi/kiropraktor til 600/425 kr for alle medlemmer i Mastra IL.
- Garantert behandling innen 24 timer
- Foredrag og lignende virksomhet 990 kr pr time
- Kontakt info: 51 73 40 40
- Raftklinikken er godkjent behandlingssted for idrettsforsikringen!

Hos Sport 1 Randaberg
- Klubbens medlemmer får 15% rabatt på alle STAS Produkter
- Klubbens medlemmer får 20% rabatt på alle UMBRO Produkter
- Klubben får bonus
*Medlemsfordelene gjelder alle medlemmer aktive og støttemedlemmer.